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EU publishes new update on food contact materials (FCM)

Regulation (EU) 20225/351 contains specific rules regarding plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

Important changes include:

➡️ Increased NIAS controls - unintentionally introduced substances (NIAS) must undergo a risk assessment if their migration exceeds 0.00015 mg/kg of food.

➡️ Stricter regulations for recycled plastics - improved decontamination and traceability to minimize contamination in recycled food grade materials.

➡️ Stricter purity requirements - additives and UVCB substances must meet higher purity and traceability standards

➡️ Reduced migration limits - stricter specific migration limits (SMLs) for chemicals in food contact plastic materials.

➡️ New regulations for by-products - production residues and offcuts may only be reused in compliance with strict good manufacturing practices (GMPs)

➡️ Extended documentation requirements - manufacturers must submit migration test data for each production phase

➡️ New requirements for durable food contact products - manufacturers must provide instructions to prevent material damage during repeated use

➡️ Increased regulatory control - companies must provide the authorities with complete information on the composition and purity of the substances used.

🔔 Mandatory from this date: September 16, 2026.


You will receive further relevant information:

The EU Food Contact Legislation | 11 March 2025

Residues of Food Contact Materials in Food | 6 and 7 October 2025


Source: European Union

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