Learning by doing: This training includes practical exercises and will explain how food contact materials (FCM) are regulated in the EU. It will cover a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of EU FCM legislation – notably providing guidance on establishing compliance with EU requirements – to the latest developments and "hot topics" in the EU market, including mineral oil and BPA.
This online training sheds light on recent regulatory topics and gives helpful compliance tips. It will enhance your understanding of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (EU) 2019/1009. It will also focus on biostimulants, which now fall under this same regulation, and discuss borderline cases with plant protection products.
During this online conference, representatives from the regulatory authorities, the industry as well as from the scientific fields are presenting the most pressing questions on how to deal with mineral oil hydrocarbons in food including food contact materials.
Specialise in evaluating the predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of plant protection products in soil. Earn basic knowledge on how to assess PECsoil in the evaluation procedure in Europe. You will be familiarised with the philosophy of the PECsoil guidance documents of EFSA and the related software packages to perform individual PECsoil calculations.
This conference focusses on the latest developments in the environmental risk assessment of biocides. It covers all product types and looks at testing requirements, data sheets, methodologies and regulatory outcomes.
In-depth knowledge about your ED assessment strategy, from data gathering and EATS endpoints to Mode of Action Analysis (MoA). Become the next expert on EDs!
For many years, this conference has been the perfect platform for bringing together the scientific, industrial and regulatory communities, dealing with the assessment of pesticide residues in food. Learn about the latest developments in risk assessment, the setting of maximum residue limits as well as regulatory and guideline updates.
For producers, importers and downstream users of biocidal products, this conference has become a perfect platform for receiving all the latest updates and for meeting peers. It will be providing information on the current regulatory developments as well as on the implementation of the BPR in the various EU member states.
This training will provide you with practical knowledge on how to implement the requirements of the CLP Regulation for your products and substances. It will also look at the upcoming changes, delve into the ongoing revision and explore the new Hazard Classes.
During this cross-sector training course, you will receive an introduction to toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics as well as toxicological testing and thresholds. You will also learn about exposure assessment and risk characterisation of chemicals for human health.
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