Behaviour of Pesticides in Air, Soil and Water

For many years now, this conference has been a major event in the plant protection industry. Listen to the various viewpoints represented by the authorities, the industry, and the research sector. This event is of interest to anyone involved in the assessment of pesticides in air, soil and water.

04.06. — 05.06.2025
Novotel Düsseldorf City West
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Plant protection products (PPP) are strictly regulated within the European Union. The risk management and environmental assessment of PPPs, essential to produce compliant products, poses challenges across the entire plant protection industry.

The conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss the latest regulatory developments. It keeps track of scientific progress, advances in environmental fate and exposure as well as recent developments in risk assessment and risk mitigation.

Newcomers to the topic of environmental behaviour of pesticides benefit from this exchange just as much as experienced e-fate managers.

You can also follow all the exciting contributions via our Live Stream! Please find further information on the virtual participation here.

A special highlight: We are visiting a multi-generation farm family which applies latest agronomic practices and digital technologies for sustainable crop production.

Early Bird Bookings10% discount valid until 11 April 2025 with discount code: AGRO10


Regulatory issues

  • European Commission on Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
  • EFSA on actions regarding azole fungicides
  • TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) from pesticides from the view of Danish EPA
  • Risk assessment in the Southern zone
  • Central zone harmonisation
  • Update on the GB pesticide regulatory regime

Non-target terrestrial assessment

  • The work for the revision of the terrestrial Guidance Document
  • The AENEAS (Advancing ERA non-target arthropods) and EESE (EU Environmental Scenarios for ERA of NTO) projects

Groundwater and drinking water monitoring

  • Groundwater Atlas
  • Non-target analysis
  • Industry experience with the EFSA drinking water treatment guidance
  • What does a water sample represent in space and time?

Further developments

  • Air monitoring and current developments of the German BVL monitoring programme
  • EUPAF (European Precision Application Task Force) on the outcome on case studies
  • Update on new hazard classes: PMT/vPvM substances

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Environmental behaviour
  • Field inspection
  • Research & development
  • Legal & regulatory affairs
  • Registration
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Exposure & risk assessment
  • Monitoring & computer modelling

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Research institutes from the area of agriculture, soil, hydrology and air
  • Authorities (agricultural inspection offices, registration and control authorities)
  • Water supply enterprises
  • Professional associations

Picture Credit: © r.classen – Fotolia



Wednesday, 4 June 2025

Timings are in Central European Summer Time CEST.

Morning Session | 8:40 – 12:20 CEST
On-site registration & opening of the virtual meeting room
Welcome address by the organisers and the Chairs

Werner Pol, Ctgb – Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides, The Netherlands
Annette Rosenbom, Rambøll, Denmark
Dieter Schäfer, Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany

Regulatory issues
Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 update – update and ongoing developments
  • EU Regulatory activities
  • Developments on guidance
  • Other topics and ongoing projects

Mónica García Aguilar, European Commission, Belgium (virtual presentation)

TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) from pesticides – a regulatory perspective

Signe Bonde Rasmussen, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Denmark

Harmonisation in the Central zone and interzonal developments

Joachim Dayteg, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria (tentatively confirmed)

Coffee break
Risk assessment in the Southern zone – updated view from France

Emilie Farama, ANSES – French Agency for Food, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety, France

Update on the GB Pesticides Regime

Amy Proctor, HSE Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD), UK

Scientific Report on the impact of the use of azole fungicides, other than as human medicines, on the development of azoleresistant Aspergillus

Dimitra Kardassi, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy (virtual presentation)

Lunch break

Afternoon Session | 13:20 – 18:30 CEST
Environmental risk assessment for soil organisms – environmental fate: Recent development on Brazilian environmental fate of the soil compartment and future steps

Clara Wandenkolck Silva Aragão, Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), Brazil (virtual presentation)

Non-target terrestrial assessment
The work for the revision of the terrestrial Guidance Document
  • Overview of work up to now and roadmap of work to come
  • The challenges of use of the exposure assessment goals

Paulien Adriaanse, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), The Netherlands

Industry perspective on the revision of the terrestrial Guidance Document

Rena Isemer, Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany, and CropLife Europe, Belgium

The AENEAS project – update on exposure route assessment for non-target arthropods in ecotoxicity testing with larvae from moths and ladybirds

Steven Droge, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), The Netherlands

Coffee break
Departure by bus for the visit to Forward Farm, a multi-generation farm family

Learn about the latest agronomic practices and digital technologies for sustainable crop production!

Arrival at Forward Farm and start of the programme
End of the programme at the Forward Farm and return to the conference hotel, followed by dinner

After the first conference day you are most welcome to attend our evening event for an unhurried evening of good food and leisure time. Please join us to continue the day’s interesting discussions in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

Thursday, 5 June 2025

Timings are in Central European Summer Time CEST.

Morning Session | 8:20 – 13:00 CEST
Short address by the Chairs

Werner Pol, Ctgb – Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides, The Netherlands
Annette Rosenbom, Rambøll, Denmark
Dieter Schäfer, Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany

Groundwater and drinking water monitoring
Groundwater Atlas

Anton Poot, Ctgb – Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides, The Netherlands (virtual presentation)

Explorative non-target chemical analysis in groundwater and drinking water

Martin Hansen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Industry experiences with the EFSA drinking water treatment guidance

David Pelzer, Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany, and CropLife Europe, Belgium

What does a water sample represent in space and time?

Annette Rosenbom, Rambøll, Denmark

Coffee break
Further developments
Results of the pilot study 2023 to prepare a possible national air monitoring of the transport of plant protection products
  • Study set up in three measuring points in Bavaria, Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Samples collected with a bulk sampler and an active air sampler
  • Results and consequences for a monitoring programme

Anna Peters, German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Considering precision agriculture in regulatory exposure assessments of pesticides – update on the European Precision Application Task Force (EUPAF) to focus on the outcome of the task force on case studies

Anne Alix, Corteva Agriscience, UK

Steps towards a re-validation of methods and models used in the risk assessment of plant protection products in the light of climate change
  • Climate-sensitive parameters and impact assessment
  • Gap analysis and future need
  • Proposed work packages for authorities in Northern countries

Gunnar Kahl, knoell Germany, Germany

Update on new hazard classes: PMT/vPvM (persistent, mobile and toxic and very persistent and very mobile) substances

Bernhard Jene, BASF, Germany

Lunch and end of the conference





Paulien Adriaanse

Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Paulien Adriaanse is a Senior Scientist at Wageningen University & Research. She works on environmental fate and exposure modelling of pesticides in the area of surface waters, as well as on how to link exposure in the field to ecotoxicological effects observed in (e.g. laboratory) experiments with imposed exposure regimes. She has been a member of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) since 2015. She is currently a member of the EFSA WG on the revision of the terrestrial guidance and has been a member of several other EFSA WGs on ERA.


Anne Alix

Corteva Agriscience, UK

Anne Alix joined Dow AgroSciences, now Corteva Agriscience, in 2011, as distinguished laureate in Policy and Risk Management for Europe, Middle East and Africa, where she advises on Sustainability policies and precision applications. She has been working in the area of plant protection products risk assessment for 23 years. After a PhD in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) at the University of Rennes, Anne joined the French National Institute for Research in Agronomy (INRA) as an ecotoxicologist in the scientific unit for the risk assessment of crop protection products. Anne was nominated head of the Environment and Ecotoxicology risk assessment unit at the French Agency on the safety of Food (AFSSA, now ANSES), where she initiated scientific collaborations with the pesticide unit of EFSA. Anne then joined the French Ministry of Agriculture as the deputy head of the Section for Regulation of Plant Protection Products and fertilizers, in charge of the implementation of risk mitigation measures for pesticides and of post registration monitoring.


Clara Clara Wandenkolck Silva Aragão

Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), Brazil


Joachim Dayteg

Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria (preliminarily confirmed)

Joachim Dayteg joined the Institute for Plant Protection Products of AGES Vienna in 2008 as an Environmental Fate and Behaviour Risk Assessor. He is the initiator of the harmonisation efforts in fate and behaviour in the Central zone.


Steven Droge

Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Steven Droge is an Environmental Scientist at Wageningen University & Research. Steven has built a career in science, holding several postdoctoral research positions over the years. He also has experience in the regulatory field, having worked as Ecotoxicology assessor for the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides.


Emilie Farama

ANSES - French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, France

Emilie Farama has been the Deputy Head of the Ecotoxicology and E-Fate Risk Assessment Unit for Pesticides and Fertilisers at ANSES since 2018. She joined ANSES in 2006 as an Environmental Fate and Behaviour Risk Assessor for active substances and plant protection products.

García Aguilar

Mónica García Aguilar

European Commission, Belgium

Mónica García Aguilar is a Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) of the European Commission. She is responsible for amending the EU Regulation concerning the labelling on plant protection products, developing a guidance on risk mitigation measures and handling of the decision-making procedure for chemical and micro-organisms active substances. She is also coordinating a group of technical experts from Member States and EFSA that provide scientific and regulatory guidance on environmental topics. Before that, she worked as researcher in a Horizon 2020 project on the uptake of innovative spraying equipment in Europe. She also worked in the Stockholm Environmental Institute contributing to research projects on water and waste management governance in Colombia and Bolivia. She holds a Double Degree Master Programme in Environmental Sciences in Europe from the University of Copenhagen and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.


Martin Hansen

DTU (Technical University of Denmark), Denmark

Martin Hansen is Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) Sustain. In 2024, he left the Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University to join the DTU.


Rena Isemer

Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany

Rena Isemer is an Ecotoxicology Expert specialising in non-target plants at Bayer Crop Science Division in Monheim, Germany. A molecular biologist by training, Rena has previously worked as research associate at the University of Kiel.


Bernhard Jene

BASF, Germany

Bernhard Jene is an Environmental Scientist at BASF in Limburgerhof with a PhD in soil physics. He has more than 20 years of experience in the area of environmental fate and exposure modelling of pesticides.


Gunnar Kahl

knoell Germany, Germany

Gunnar Kahl studied Geoecology followed by a research position in a collaboration of universities in Germany and Thailand. After having worked in the modelling group of BASF he joined knoell Germany as an environmental fate modeller. In 2012 he was appointed to become the Managing Director of the knoell subsidiary in Thailand. Since 2020 he has been working as a Senior Expert Environmental Fate and Modelling at knoell Germany in Hamburg.


Dimitra Kardassi

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy (virtual presentation)

Dimitra Kardassi is a Scientific Officer in European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with more than 10 years experience in food safety related areas and in managerial positions in Hellenic Food Authority.


David Pelzer

Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany

David Pelzer is a chemist by training working as an Environmental Fate Expert for Bayer Crop Sciences Environmental Safety department since 2020. In close collaboration with partners from CropLife Europe, he engaged in industry-wide efforts for harmonizing the experimental parameters to satisfy the requirements of the EFSA Drinking Water Treatment Guidance with high quality data.


Anna Peters

German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Anna Peters is a Chemist and has been working as a Scientist in the Department of Plant Protection Products (PPP) at the German BVL since 2019.


Werner Pol

Ctgb - Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides, The Netherlands

Werner Pol is currently a Team Manager Expertise Fate and Ecotoxicology Plant Protection at the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) in Ede, The Netherlands. He brings more than 25 years of experience in the environmental fate and exposure assessment of substances and plant protection products from previous roles at Ctgb and holds a M.Sc and B.Sc in environmental science.


Anton Poot

Ctgb - Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides, The Netherlands (virtual presentation)

Anton Poot is a Geochemist and Environmental Scientist and has been working in the field of modelling and monitoring groundwater at both governmental and contract research organisations. He has been employed as Environmental Risk Assesssor at Ctgb for the past 13 years. As a representative from Ctgb, Anton was member of the SETAC EMAG-Pest working group on groundwater monitoring and chair of the current SETAC Spatial Distributed Leaching Modelling working group.


Amy Proctor

HSE Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD), UK


Signe Bonde Rasmussen

Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Denmark

Signe Bonde Rasmussen is trained within environmental aspects of both soil chemistry and physics and has been working at the Danish Environmental Agency (EPA) since 2018. During the past years her attention has been focused on mathematical modelling of water and solute transport in the unsaturated zone of the soil profile, as well as several different aspects of groundwater monitoring of pesticides (targeted and “untargeted”).


Annette Rosenbom

Rambøll Denmark, Denmark


Dieter Schäfer

Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany

Dieter Schäfer has a professional background in environmental sciences and 25 years of experience in the environmental fate and exposure assessment of pesticides. He was the Head of the E-fate Expert Group and the Environmental Exposure Modelling Team at Bayer Crop Science Division in Monheim/Germany and is currently the Head of Environmental Exposure leading a team of experimental, modelling and assessment experts.



Novotel Düsseldorf City West
Niederkasseler Lohweg 179
40547 Düsseldorf
Phone : +49 211 52060-0

We have reserved a limited number of rooms for our participants at reduced rates at the hotel. These rooms can be booked up to 4 weeks prior to the start of the event. Please book early and directly through the hotel quoting „Akademie Fresenius“ as reference.

Prices & Services

Participation Fee: € 1,995.00 plus VAT.

The registration fee includes the following benefits:

  • Event participation
  • Event documentation
  • Lunch
  • Coffee breaks and event beverages
  • The evening event on the first day
  • Certificate of attendance

Representatives of an authority or a public university are therefore eligible for a reduced fee of € 895.00 plus VAT per person (please provide evidence). The reduced fee cannot be combined with other rebates.

Group Reductions
For joint bookings received from one company we grant a 15% discount from the third participant onwards.

Terms of Cancellation / Book without Risk
Written cancellations or transfers will be accepted free of charge up to four weeks prior to the start of the event. After this date and up to a week prior to the start of the event we will reimburse 50% of the registration fee. We cannot, unfortunately, provide refunds for later cancellations. However, in this case we will provide you with the event documentation after the event.
Please note that you can name a substitute free of charge at any time.

Event Documentation

Would you have liked to attend this event, but cannot spare the time?

For the price of 295,00 € plus VAT you can order a complete set of event documentation. A few days after the event you will receive the access data for the restricted download section of our Website. There you will find all presentations (subject to the approval of our speakers) as pdf-files.

Order documentation

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Your Contact

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Programme and conceptual design

+49 231 75896-82

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Your Contact

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Programme and conceptual design

+49 231 75896-82

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Your Contact

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Programme and conceptual design

+49 231 75896-82

Alexandra Schardt

Your Contact

Alexandra Schardt
Organisation and participant management

+49 231 75896-74

Alexandra Schardt

Your Contact

Alexandra Schardt
Organisation and participant management

+49 231 75896-74

Display / Supplement

Present your Company at the Event.

You can personally present your products and services directly to your specified target group. We are happy to provide you with further information on our range of available options – from displaying company information at the reception counter to presenting your company with an exhibition stand.

We would be pleased to assist you personally:

Monika Stratmann

Monika Stratmann
Phone: +49 231 75896-48

Press Contact

We offer journalists and editors a platform where they can get in touch with the experts.

If you are the editor of a specialist publication and interested in a press pass or media partnership, please contact us well in advance. We are happy to advise you.

Please contact us:

Katharina Geraridis

Katharina Geraridis
Phone: +49 231 75896-67